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    Index child

    Upon enrolling a family with multiple children that are age-eligible, the home visitor will select the youngest child in the family as the index child for reporting purposes in DAISEY.  The other children will be counted in the household count but will not be included in individual level data entered in DAISEY.

    In the case of multiples (twins, triplets, etc.) the home visitor will choose one as the index child.

    Please refer to the MIECHV Operations Manual for the full Index Child policy

    Data collection timing

    KDHE expects home visitors to enter all family data, assessments, and screenings within 3 business days of the visit and strongly encourages data entry to occur at the time of the visit.

    Visit the Benchmark Timetable for a checklist of forms to complete and a timetable for completing data related to HRSA Benchmarks.

    Staffing profiles

    All staff funded (any amount) through MIECHV need to have a Staff Profile form completed; only supervisors should complete or edit these forms. Please do not delete forms when staff leave, instead, update the form to add an end date.

    All staffing changes must be updated within 10 calendar days.

    User Management

    User Management Template

    DAISEY account information should not be shared between multiple staff members.  Each staff performing data entry or running reports will need their own DAISEY account.

    New to DAISEY?

    If you are new to DAISEY, click here to GET STARTED

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